Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tele-bits: The View and Oprah Debut

Hey daytime junkies...what? you don't record the talk shows?? Well I WOULD watch them live but I have better things to do with my time than watch commercials or stupid segments. :-)

The View

Sherri Shepherd...Really? Really. The woman who doesn't believe in evolution. Really. Well I guess they won't only have Elizabeth to kick around now on the religious stuff. Since she's with child I guess I'll cut her some slack. But only a little.

Moving Joy next to Whoopi is a GREAT idea. They two really click. Joy is looking beautiful and she is more in touch with the show than she ever was in it's first 9 years. Rosie brought her out of her shell and Whoopi is going to set her free!


Debut in NY today. Very good show and Oprah had on this BEAUTIFUL black dress that I would love to have. It was so classy. The Letterman segments were inspirational. Watching him talk about his son Harry just makes my heart sing. Such a proud Papa. One question though...are Dave and Al Franken morphing into the same person? I was shocked by the resemblance today. Maybe it's just the dry humor that I love so much.

Lisa Marie Presley sounded great on that video with her father. She admits she doesn't sing as well as he did (few can) but I thought her voice sounded divine. I always think she was meant for a career in music but she screwed it up early on with the Michael Jackson debacle and Scientology crap. Her daughter Riley was beautiful and composed. Given her mother's weird tics (she cannot sit still!) I was glad to see Riley seemed normal.

Review on Dr. Phil's debut tomorrow if I can find time to watch it!


Psychic Wannabe said...

Why does no one comment on your blog?

I can hardly wait for the new fall line-up, what shows do you think will be good (of the new stuff)?

Suzzy said...

I was just thinking about the new fall line-up and how hard it is to find the dates unless you see it on tv. Might have to do some research :)