Thursday, September 6, 2007

Tele-bits: Top Chef

Was it because he volunteered?

Nawww. He had to go. Howie failed numerous times in his efforts to 1) actually cook something and serve it on time, 2) cook things that wowed the judges or the tv audience, and 3) be a team player.

Top Chef has been a snoozefest this season, hasn't it? Once Howie's nemesis-turned-best-bud Joey got the axe there wasn't much entertaining gusto left in Season 3. And let's face it, now that we don't have Tre to look at, listen to, fantasi.... um, well, it hasn't been the same.

I was miffed at the judges last night. The food got good reviews from the guests, the group as a whole worked really well together, and Brian did a great job wrangling all those egos...the egos themselves actually thought he did a great job. It wasn't NEARLY the disaster they made it out to be. Ok, Howie's poo on a cracker didn't look too appetizing but I thought everything else looked pretty good! Actually, I want the recipe for the asparagus/prosciutto cigar - that looked yummy.

I'm glad Howie figured out the team player part of the equation, even if it was a little too late. But until he channels that anger and energy into some fastidious cooking he isn't going to be a great chef.

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